3D Cooking Simulator, follow and deliver the recipes to the customers:

- C# events for player interaction input and for counters logic to visual communication

- Scriptable Objects for various KitchenObjects, Recipes, CuttingRecipes, BurningRecipe, FryingRecipe, RecipeList and AudioClips

- Small State Machine for Stove Counter using Timers (Emit events to update progress bar):

  1. Idle
  2. Frying 
  3. Fried
  4. Burned

- State Machine for AI Behaviour:

  1. Go to line
  2. Order
  3. Wait for order
  4. Search for table
  5. Go to table
  6. Eat
  7. Leave

- Keyboard and Gamepad compatibility

- Pause menu with options to rebind the keys and adjust the audio levels

- C# Interfaces to reduce and optimize Code (IKitchenObjectParent, IHasProgress for progress bars)

- Loader Screen

- Music & Sound FXs for footsteps, cutting, trashing, picking/placing objects and delivering recipes.

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